Board of Trustees:
- Kevin Boyd
- Deborah Carsone
- Laurie Darko
- Daisy Evans
- Virginia Ottenberg
- Albert Sauline
- Bill Tucciarone
As a Hubbard Area resident you have the right to provide input into your public library. Your library board cordially invites you to attend board meetings and to take an active role in the development and direction of the Hubbard Public Library.
There are many ways for you to participate in your library :
Stay informed and interested in library activities and services.
Appear before the board to express your views.
Correspond with the board.
Stay in touch with library staff and convey your needs and thoughts concerning library related issues.
Volunteer to assist with special library projects.
Encourage family and friends to utilize library materials and services.
The Library Board
The Hubbard Public Library is governed by a seven member board. Board members serve a seven year term and are appointed by the Board of Education.
The primary functions of the library board are to establish policies required for the operation of the library, to secure funding, and oversee library needs and expenditures.
Board Meetings
The library board meets on the second Monday of each month in the Meeting Room at 5:00 p.m. There is no regular meeting in August. Occasionally, a holiday or other circumstance will alter this schedule. In this case, or in the event of a special meeting, public notice is given in advance of the change of date and posted in the entrance lobby and entered under Programs and Events in the on-line catalog.
The Agenda
The meetings of the library board follow a definite plan called "The Agenda". Items on the agenda are recommended by the library administration and board members. The president of the board, who is elected annually by his/her fellow library trustees, presides at all regular and special meetings. The vice president presides in the president's absence.
To Speak at a Library Board Meeting
Any person wishing to address the board shall apply to the president of the board in a timely way prior to the beginning of the meeting at which the business is to be presented. Any person wishing to address the board regarding an item on the agenda for the current meeting or in the minutes of the immediate, previous meeting may do so by clearly identifying herself/himself when recognized by the President, at the beginning of the meeting. The person will then be allowed up to five minutes of time to address the Board at the point in the meeting deemed most appropriate by the President, either prior to the Reports or prior to the Adjournment. The Board may choose to engage the speak further. The Board may allot to the speaker more time as the board wishes to do so.
Charges, Complaints, or Challenges
No person may orally initiate personal charges or complaints against individual employees at a public meeting of the library board. Any charges, complaints, or challenges should be presented to the director in writing and signed by the complainant. All such concerns, if presented to the board directly, will be referred to the director for investigation and subsequent reporting to the board.
If you have a problem
The board encourages parents and other citizens who have library related concerns to first try to resolve them at the level most directly involved. The next level would be by the appropriate department head, and then the director. If a matter can only be resolved by changing a policy or by some other action of the board, the library board will become involved upon receiving a letter or phone call, or listening to a speaker at a regular public board meeting
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